Professional and Academic Records

Andy Buchanan, Ph.D.


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PhD Dissertation

Buchanan, A. (2016). Plasmatic: Improvising Animated Metamorphosis (PhD thesis). RMIT University, Melbourne.
AbstractThesis and related works

Journal Publications

Buchanan, A. (2022). Thinking across Frames – Temporally Extended Consciousness and the Animation Timeline. KronoScope, 21(2), 111–131.

Buchanan, A. (2020). A problem with questions: Improvisation and unforeseen epistemology in animation practice. Animation Practice, Process & Production, 9(1), 7–20.

Buchanan, A. (2021). Projection art and projection activism. Architecture_MPS, 20(1).

Buchanan, A. (Ed.). (2021). Special Issue—Art and Politics. Architecture_MPS, 20(1).

Buchanan, A. (2018). Real-time? Reframing temporal consciousness in time-based and interactive media. Technoetic Arts, 16(1), 53–62.

Buchanan, A. (2009). Facial expressions for empathic communication of emotion in animated characters. Animation Studies, 4, 75.

Buchanan, A. (2008). Predicting User Behavior—the Creation of the Immersion Installation. Computers in Entertainment (CIE), 6(3), 34.

Conference Proceedings

Marinovic, L., & Buchanan, A. (2021). Finding the Third Frame: Animation of Static Images Through Lighting, Projection and Color Separations. CONFIA 2021, 9, 455–461.

Conard, S., & Buchanan, A. (2020). Digital Petroglyphs. CONFIA 2020, 8, 553–560.

Buchanan, A., & Lichty, P. (2019). Issues in Digital and Animated Palimpsest. CONFIA 2019, 102–110. Viana Do Castelo, Portugal: Instituto Politechnico do Cavado e do Ave.

Ribeiro, C., Buchanan, A., & Reial, C. (2018). Expanded Relief (Holographic Meditations). Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA), 307–309. Durban, South Africa.

Buchanan, A. (2016). Hypothesis, Falsification and Repeatability: Reflections on ‘the Experiment’ in Experimental Animation. Proceedings of the 2016 Asia Animation Forum. Presented at the Asia Animation Forum, Bucheon, Korea.

Buchanan, A. (2015). Can Animated Metamorphosis Represent the Stream of Consciousness? Proceedings of the 2015 Asia Animation Forum. Presented at the Asia Animation Forum, Bucheon, Korea.

Conference Presentations

Buchanan, A. (2022). Sensate Sculpting – In Praise of The Hand in Digital Sculpting and 3D Modelling. Expanded Animation Symposium: Synaesthetic Syntax. Ars Electronica 2022, Linz, Austria.

Sigrid Zahner & Andy Buchanan. (2021). Brick Meets Pixel. 2021 Alliance for the Arts in Research Universities National Conference: The Case for Art.

Buchanan, A. (2021). Metamorphosis and Mind. Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference.

Buchanan, A. & Hammoud, A. (2021). At a Safe Distance – Public Projection Installations and Activism During Crisis. AnimaScapes Symposium, CinAnima 45th Edition, Espinho, Portugal.

Buchanan, A. (2019). Panta Rhei (Everything Flows) – Animation and the Philosophy of Heraclitus. Presented at the Society for Animation Studies Annual Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.

Buchanan, A. (2018). Thinking Across Frames – Temporally Extended Consciousness and The Process of Animation. Presented at the Society for Animation Studies Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada.

Buchanan, A. (2017). Thinking Across Frames – Temporally Extended Consciousness and The Process of Animation. Presented at Animafest Scanner 2017, Zagreb, Croatia.

Buchanan, A. (2016). The Role of Practice as a Methodology in Transdisciplinary Animation Research. Presented at the Society for Animation Studies Annual Conference, Singapore.

Buchanan, A. (2016). Drawing in Four Dimensions. Presented at the Abu Dhabi Book Fair, Illustrators Corner, Abu Dhabi, UAE (not peer reviewed).

Buchanan, A. (2015). Unstable Animation: Changeable Visions of Metamorphosis Presentation. Presented at the Society for Animation Studies Annual Conference, Kent, England.

Buchanan, A. (2014). The Animorph and Temporal Consciousness. Presented at the International Conference on the Image, Berlin, Germany.

Buchanan, A. (2014). Dali, Disney, Destino; Speculations on Metamorphosis and Multistability. Presented at the Society for Animation Studies Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.

Buchanan, A. (2014). The case for Improvisation: New Approaches to Animated Digital Sculpture. Presented at the International Symposium on Electronic Art, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Buchanan, A. (2013). Interventions in 3D Animation workflow – two approaches to circumventing restrictive production procedures. Presented at the Digital Interventions Symposium, Perth, Australia.

Buchanan, A. (2012). Animated Psychic Automatism. Presented at the Society for Animation Studies Annual Conference, Melbourne, Australia.

Buchanan, A. (2009). Balancing User Driven Pacing and Narrative Control in Animated Graphic Novels. Presented at the Art.Media.Design Writing Intersections Conference, Melbourne, Australia.

Book Chapters and Other Published Work

Buchanan, A. & Larson, D. (n.d.). Pixel and Bitmap Animation. In A. Gadassik & F. Bruckner (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Animation Studies: Techniques, Processes, Environments. Bloomsbury. (Proposal accepted, chapter in development)

Buchanan, A. (2020). Book review: Pervasive Animation. Animation, 15(1), 108–110.

Buchanan, A. (2015). Plasmatic No.3. In Offset. Prose. Poetry. Art. Music. Film (fifteen).



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